Aqualyx, Bexleyheath | Persona Medical Aesthetics


What is Aqualyx

Aqualyx is a non surgical solution for fat reduction. It targets fatty deposits resistant to diet and exercise. Therefore aqualyx can be used on any part of the body such as:

  •  Double chins
  • Love handles
  • Stomach
  • Male breasts
  • Bingo wings
  • Bra bulge
  • Tops of legs.

In addition the treatment can be administered to unwanted fatty deposits anywhere on the body.

How does the treatment work?

The  Aqualyx solution is injected into the area of concern. It attaches itself to the fat cells in this area, then will start to dissolve the membrane. Therefore breaking down and destroying the unwanted fat cell altogether. The liquified fat will then be absorbed by the body and flushed out naturally. Meanwhile this is done through its own lymphatic system.

The outcome may take a few days to develop. The body needs time for the process to work. Depending on your individual situation a series of treatment sessions may be needed to achieve the desired result.  Swelling, bruising and tenderness which lasts up to 14 days after treatment is completely normal.

Why choose Persona

At Persona Medical Aesthetics, we believe in taking a personal yet professional approach. During your free consultation with our medical team, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions and go through any details you are not sure about. 

Persona is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (a legal requirement to perform minor skin surgery), giving you the knowledge and assurance that you are in safe and experienced hands.
You can be confident that the treatments, procedures & products offered at Persona are thoroughly researched by Dr Lisa and the medical team as your safety and well-being is always our top priority.

Specialist Fat Dissolving treatments at Persona

The J Lift, unique to Persona. It was specifically designed to target the lower face and neck area to treat double chins the jowl area.

Real Results

Treatment Before
Treatment After

Unfortunately due to my work I have very little time to attend the gym, if at all, & have always had this tyre around my tummy & no matter what I do it does not seem to shift. I am so happy with my lipo results, I can’t believe the difference, thank you Persona.

- Steve, Email
Treatment Before
Treatment After

Recently started going to Persona and absolutely love it there. The girls are all lovely, the clinic is lush and so many great options for treatments, can’t wait for my appointments coming up 🙂 see you soon. X

- Rebecca, Facebook
Treatment Before
Treatment After

Lovely staff, very friendly, very satisfied with my treatments.

- Wendy, Comments Book
Treatment Before
Treatment After

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about Aqualyx at Persona

  • What is Aqualyx and how does it work?
    Aqualyx was developed to treat localised pockets of fat underneath the surface of the skin. It works by breaking down the fat cell membrane to release the fatty liquid within, which is then safely excreted out of the body.
  • Which areas can be treated?
    We can treat anywhere on the body from the chin down to knees.
  • How soon will I see results?
    Results are seen gradually over the next 3 – 4 weeks post treatment. To achieve your desired result you may need between 3 to 6 session every 4 to 6 weeks.
  • How long do the results last?
    The fat cells are permanently destroyed so that results are long term, however lifestyle factors will determine the efficacy. Your medical practitioner is available throughout all stages of your treatment so if you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact the clinic. Results may vary as each client is different but you are welcome to arrange an appointment to see your treating practitioner at any time to ensure you are happy with your procedure.
  • Is Aqualyx safe?
    Aqualyx is considered a safe and effective medical procedure when carried out by a trained and qualified medical professional. Mild redness but significant swelling is to be expected following treatment. Bruising and needle marks are a possible side effect, which may also last a few days. If bruising occurs, use arnica cream or Auriderm to help it subside. Take anti-inflammatory medication to relieve any discomfort and swelling. A detailed listing of all possible side effects will be provided before treatment.
  • What should I do after my fat dissolving treatment?
    To maximise the effects of Fat Dissolving Injections we recommend you take the following aftercare steps:
    • Avoid applying any cosmetics within the first 12 hours.
    • Avoid all direct sources of heat i.e. sun, UV radiation, saunas etc.
    • Abstain from particularly demanding physical exercise for 6-7 days post treatment.
    • Follow a healthy diet and gentle exercise regime.
    • Gently massage the treated area(s) daily between procedures

*Results may vary and are different for each individual. As such, Persona Cosmetic Medicine cannot guarantee specific results.

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