Cyst Removal

What is a cyst?
Cysts are slow growing, benign bumps which grow under the skin and can occur almost anywhere on the body. Although not life threatening, cysts can often be a cause of discomfort or embarrassment for people with visible facial cyst or skin cyst or arm cyst.
A skin cyst is a round, dome-shaped lump, either yellow or white and often with a small dark plug through which you might be able to squeeze out pus.
Cysts grow slowly and can range in size from smaller than a pea to a few centimetres across.
Skin cysts do not usually hurt, but can become tender, sore and red if they become infected.
Foul-smelling pus coming out of the cyst is another sign of infection.
How do we remove cysts at Persona?
Cysts are surgically removed under local anaesthetic via an incision to the skin to cut out and remove the cyst. The area will then be stitched and dressed and you will be required to return to the clinic to have the stitches removed 1-2 weeks later.
Why choose Persona?
At Persona Medical Aesthetics, we believe in taking a personal yet professional approach. During your free consultation, we will advise on the removal process and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions and go through any details you are not sure about.
Persona is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (a legal requirement to perform minor skin surgery), giving you the knowledge and assurance that you are in safe and experienced hands.
You can be confident that the treatments, procedures & products offered at Persona are thoroughly researched by Dr Lisa and the medical team as your safety and wellbeing is always our top priority.