If you are considering Laser Hair removal our fabulous January offer will give you the chance to be hair free in time for your summer holidays.
Our detailed consultations give you an opportunity to get all of the information you need but below are the common questions asked by our clients and answered by our Laser specialists.
How does Laser Hair Removal Work?
The Laser Hair Removal we use at Persona combines laser energy with radio frequency energy. This combination takes the light energy deeper in to the skin making it more effective on the hair follicle and allows us to deliver precise controlled pulses of energy into the hair shaft without damaging the skin. Pigment in the follicles then absorbs this energy, which destroys the follicle preventing further hair growth. Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second and can treat many hairs at the same time.
Do not get fooled by having IPL for hair removal. Laser offers a more targeted, direct & permanent result whereas IPL will require ongoing & regular top-up up treatments.
Can everyone have laser?
Our Laser is safely used on all skin types & colours. Because the laser is targeting pigment, it’s best used in those with darker hair and lighter skin. Darker skin may require more sessions of treatment but results are still excellent.
Laser will not treat blonde, white or grey hairs.
How often should you have laser?
On average, treatments are done at 6 week intervals. If the hair is growing very quickly you may do treatments more often, 4-5 weeks at the start, and then decrease to 6 week intervals to match the slowed hair growth cycles. You can shave in between treatments as needed.
How should you prepare for laser?
The hair should be shaved a day before your appointment. Otherwise, the entire hair will absorb the energy and heat up, which can burn the skin, as that singed hair hits the skin. It also means less energy will reach the base of the follicle, so the results will be less than optimal.
What should you avoid before and between laser sessions?
Avoid sun exposure as having a tan will increase your risk of a burn and hyperpigmentation from the laser treatment. Avoid waxing or plucking before your treatment, as waxing removes the hair and follicle, so there won’t be anything for the laser to target.
Why Laser Hair Removal?
Safe for all skin types & colours
Reduction of ingrowing hairs in just 3 treatments
Suitable to treat hair on both face & body
Laser combined with Radio Frequency for fast, safe & highly effective results
Less visible hair follicles for flawless smooth skin
Cost effective (especially with this offer)